““Be careful not to compromise what you want most for what you want now””
Is compromise always a good thing? Is trying to find a “middle” or “common” ground to agree upon beneficial when it comes to basic principles and moral obligation? Some take pride in being able to “wheel and deal” to compromise in any stalemate, but it must be remembered that any strength becomes a weaknesses when we overplay them. There are many areas where compromise is an option as much as there are many more areas where compromise is not an option when it comes to a man’s character and integrity.
In a marriage, compromise is not an option when it comes to demonstrating the discipline of love, nurturing a life long commitment, and being an example to watchful eyes. Compromising as to where to eat, how much to spend, and finding common ground in similar oppositions are necessary to keep the peace in any relationship. When principles and moral obligation are sacrificed, it is a short-lived achievement because when you compromise your principles to achieve your dreams you will soon learn that success without character is no success at all.
If you have conditioned yourself to always live in compromise, just remember anybody who accepts mediocrity - in relationships, on the job, in life - is a person who compromises, and when we as men compromise, all who look to us for direction will also compromise. Compromise is a sign you will pass on the way to mediocrity. Sometimes compromise is necessary as long as you don’t give up who you are because that’s not compromise, that’s personal spiritual death.
The time is come when we ought to hear about the duties and responsibilities we have as men because compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on the character and integrity you seek to define yourself as a man. Any compromise on your integrity is a surrender, because it is all give and no take.
Almost every compromise is a small one that is easily justified, be mindful the downhill slide is usually a result of many little compromises which can also include compromising for the sake of needing to be liked by everyone. When you have to start compromising yourself or your morals for the people around you, it’s probably time to change the people around you, but don’t compromise who you are to satisfy the ones who are always trying to change you. They will always be disappointed in your efforts because it doesn’t meet the definition or standards of their own imperfect expectations.
We as men carry the weight and responsibility for the compromise we make in our lives. Our core values act like our internal compass which navigates the course of our life, if we compromise our core values, we go nowhere. Compromise limits the choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, when we disconnect ourself from what we truly want, all that is left is a compromise and that is like the middle of the road and sometimes it’s safer to walk on the edges to avoid potential injury.
What happens when “compromise” is the only choice? Compromise in your arguments, not in your expectations. This may mean not bending to the will or standards of another and never coming to an agreement that both parties are satisfied with. Unless you are able to establish your own “boundaries”, you will always have to define the ethics by which you choose to live by.
The world we live in is not much different than the world one hundred years ago. Evil grows exponentially with the decline of moral standards and acceptance to principles of the world around us. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default; by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles of spiritual truths because there can be no compromise when it comes to corruption.
It is said “Compromise” is usually a sign of weakness or an admission of defeat and strong men don’t compromise and principles should never be compromised. Be warned, if compromise is your “path of lease resistance”, compromising is obscuring the trail you will leave others to follow.