
My name is Dennis Munoz and I want to welcome you to ‘The Better Man, the Better Men’.

After winning “1st Place” in a poetry writing contest for my third grade teacher, I assumed the $5 grand-prize money would be the highlight of my writing career! I mean, do you know how much candy $5 could buy in those days?! What I didn’t know at that time was that writing would some day become my passion to memorialize special moments where valuable lessons had to be documented, where humor took on its own life in penned words, where intense love could only be celebrated in written form, and when the only consolation for my tears was telling the story from my heart, through my hands.

As Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived said: “That which has been is that which will be again, and that which has been done is that which will be done again. So there is nothing new under the sun.” In other words, there is no story that hasn’t already been told, but only you can tell it your way. That is the universal axiom I embrace when I write by letting my own personality, experiences and vulnerabilities create a unique story that only I could tell. 

I have been a free-lance writer for the business and lifestyle industry and a published author of children’s stories. After an early retirement in a career spanning over forty-one years in a public utility where I managed personalities, addressed interpersonal conflict, and nurtured the best in others, I can now focus my passion towards promoting the characteristics that I, and others admire in a man through real life examples. As a married father of four grown children, fifteen grandchildren, including three great-grandchildren, I have learned invaluable lessons from the many mistakes I’ve made in my journey to become a better man and am now obligated to help other men cultivate the unique style of manhood they were created to be.


As you would rely on a Sherpa to guide you through dangerous terrain and find the easiest trails of Mount Everest, I offer my own humble experiences, and more importantly, lessons learned from the antiquity of men like you and I who’s wisdom and lessons are still as applicable today as they were back then. The end results will be to help achieve the highly sought after character traits that every man, woman, and child admire to help other men avoid unnecessary setbacks, heartache and regrets within our own personal sphere of influence. 

I will regularly post stories to share the insights learned from my own experiences to help other men avoid the pitfalls of manhood, as well as finding the most rewarding pathways to ‘plant your own flag’ on your journey to the mountain top.